PTP Spent Fuel Services, LLC provides services in seven main categories:

  1. Independent Spent Fuel Storage Pad Installation and Construction
  2. Licensing and Regulatory Compliance
  3. Quality Assurance and Control
  4. Engineering Services
  5. Project Management
  6. Fuel Handling, Sealing Casks, Transport to ISFSI.
  7. Long term future operations and maintenance of the ISFSI pad.

Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)

  • Design and NRC licensing.
  • Fuel handling, loading and inspection/characterization
  • Procedure development, review, validation, and approval
  • Systematic Approach to Training (SAT), program development and implementation
  • Design and fabrication engineering
  • Construction and installation
  • Pre-operational testing to include internal and NRC dry runs
  • Security integration
  • Ancillary equipment identification setup and testing
  • Storage and transport canister processing (FTCC and Fuel)

Licensing and Regulatory Compliance

  • 10 CFR, 50, 71 and 72 Compliance
  • Records management
  • Regulatory management and compliance assessments
  • Readiness review
  • License support and termination planning

Quality Assurance and Quality Control

  • ASME and NQA-1 QA/QC Plan and Program Development
  • Vender audits
  • Surveillance/oversight and fabrication
  • ISFSI installation and operation inspection services
  • Root cause analysis and corrective actions programs

Programming Services

  • Design, development, and system support
  • Modification and change management
  • Readiness assessment

Project Management Services

  • Project planning and scheduling
  • Cost forecasting and controls
  • Proposal preparation
  • Risk assessment
  • Trend analysis and performance reporting
  • Staffing
  • In-depth knowledge of industry
  • Mitigation and contingency planning

Fuel Handling, Sealing Cask and Transport to ISFSI

  • Cask vacuum drying and inerting systems
  • Installation of sub assemblies and positioning
  • Move the fuel from the pool to the casks
  • Sealing and welding of the casks
  • Certification and oversight documentation and verification
  • QA/QC procedural compliance and inspection
  • Transport to the ISFSI
  • Final placement from the transport vehicle onto the ISFSI pad

Future Operations & Maintenance of the ISFSI Pad

  • Ongoing onsite operations and ISFSI maintenance
  • QA/QC oversight and compliance assurance
  • NRC regulatory interface, inspections, reports
  • Security integration and compliance